Which has nothing to do with the Golden Ratio (I suspect), although the two resonators look as though they could be close. Sounds amazing though – like Led Zepplin crossed with one of those pan-flute bands, and dialled forward a couple of centuries. Sounds like it’s got all sorts of digital effects on it. (but apparently hasn’t – all acoustic) (via) Double Bonus points for looking like it’s located inside a wooden UFO Triple Bonus points for being Turkish – at least partly because the Zildjian cymbal company was created by a Turkish Alchemist about 400 years ago. That is so cool I can hardly stand it. So there you go – a conglomeration of things I’m really into :) … Closer to here… I’m still waiting for a laser-tube to turn up. My entire business has been tipped on its side for the last month or so because a…

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