So I made the touchy-tip calipers… which are specifically for cosmetic surgeons a while back… and have been dithering… they’re not 100% what I had in mind – they are capable of measuring far smaller distances… but as the tips get closer together, the resolution goes a bit wonky. If you’re doing really small stuff, it’s probably best to take a photo and blow it up.
Anyhoo… they look like this:
Because these are for measuring people’s faces, I’ve made the tips into little blobs, twisted 90%. This makes them a little less scary. Pre-twist, they look like this:
Another reason why I’m suffering doubt over this one is that instead of being “2-layers thick”, they’re actually 4…
… but they’re still rivited together with a 2-layer rivet. I tried using spacers and a 4 layer rivet… but this made the whole thing less precise… so 2 it is.
… there it is. It’s been pointed out to me that I should really be letting other people judge what they think etc… so, I have 3 sets of these experimental calipers to go to good homes, for the extra-special beta-price of $25… which will cover my costs, and the costs of postage etc. It would be really useful to have some feedback.
If I find that a lot more people would like to try them, I’ll get 10 more made… a mixture of pointy and blobby tipped… and if people like them, then I’ll put them into proper production.
Any queries, please get in touch
(These calipers are 150mm, 6 inches long and hand-made from 1.5mm laser-cut, brushed stainless steel. Come in the same little wood-wool filled, cardboard gift-box as the others.)
Et ben tant mieux. Parce que ça aurait été fabuleux pour les scientifiques d’étudier un diplodocus in vivo, mais quelle vie pour ces pov’bêêêtes !