Catching up… So July happened… somebody said something nice about me on the internets, and I sold about a months worth of stock in 6 hours, then again in the next 6 hours, and again, and again. Ran out of everything, my Amazon account got locked and I’ve basically spent about a month trying to catch up. So now I’ve caught up. I’ve rented new studio space – an old newspaper office in town next to the coolest music venue in the world. (Nikita the Spooky and a Circus of Men @ Spacemonster, Wanganui) My first job (as a paper-boy), was here in about 1976. Time is circular – which I guess I should have guessed from the shape of clocks, but there are sometimes wider orbits that make their presences felt. Back here again. … Ok – to the point. The packaging has evolved. For years now, I’ve been…

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Fantastic Spiral Turbines from the 1930s (special thanks to Paul Dunlop for the heads-up) From Marvelous soft-steam-punk ambiance in the photos. These one are from Germany. Speaking of history repeating (or not) though, these things are still being made. (from has lots of flow-analysis diagrams) You can get them off alibaba Or for small hydro-power applicatiosn – these from the Czech Republic (which is one of my fav places) But back to the age of steam though… (or in this case, steam meets electricity) I love the lighting in these photos. Cinematic – reminds me of THX1138, although the design aesthetic is a 100 years older. Something to do with attention to the light. Anyway – these things are called Francis Turbines – invented in France in the 1800s – James B. Francis (from Massachusetts) applied maths to the design and took the efficiency from 80% to 90%. … So…

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I’ve got this theory, that everything work making, will sooner or later be made out of lego. Certainly every artifact that’s ever appeared in a sci-fi movie eventually gets made out of lego… and now golden mean calipers have too. (via bricknerd) Originally made by Amida Na… with other photos on flickr Brilliant :)

As discovered by Szabolcs Bakos from DBN Which is quite a neat analysis – using fibonacci ratioed circles rather than the lines that I alway tend to use. I think I might have mentioned an apple logo before – the cloud? Yea – here. Where I was more interested in accuracy/confirmation-bias etc. My theories about there being about a 3% margin of error – which to be fair, is a number I pulled out of the clear blue sky, but it seems near enough. The sphere-analysis is quite interesting though – I wonder if it’s possible to take any simple shape and reduce it to a series of phi-ratioed spheres. I’ve occasionally thought that human beauty can be reduced to a set of simple quadratic equations. For some reason the spherical analysis reminds me of the way Ancient Egyptians are thought to have done mathematics – they used a kind…

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Really cool circular art made out of generating patterns with Pi, Phi and and e, which (I have on good authority), everything begins with. Absolutely brilliant – I like a bit of generative art me. Especially if it looks like hyper-psychedelic versions of renaissance-era sigil-magic. Something I’d like to see a bit more of – the magic/art thing done by people with real artistic talent. It’s harder than it looks. Not sure why. Too much television I suppose.

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