Free Postage
So I was standing there in the post-office the other day, while the post-office lady counted up the cost of all the various packages I was sending… I make a bit of a loss on each one – and the cost of postage has gone up dramatically in the last couple of years. I offer free-postage for anything over $100… which means the more expensive the package is to spend, the more likely I’ll be the one paying it… and most people buy sets after-all, so it’s only the smaller-scale ones that are charged postage. So I thought, “Sod it. From now on, I’m not charging postage at all”. So I’m not. From now on, all postage is free.
Single Line Vermeer
So redesigning the site appears to have resulted in a catastrophic crash in sales. Why that would be I have no idea… maybe it’s because people react to “polish” the same way they react to banner-adverts. They just tune it out. I’m not going back to the old design though. The new design looks great. I think. If anyone has any idea what I’m doing wrong, I’m all ears. Anyhoo… time I did a video. The old one is shot with a little point-and click, so is a bit ropey. I’ve got all the gear I need to do it… but I keep getting daunted by the quality of other people’s videos. I’ve made a page of some of them here. I’d really like to make one like this: (via) But it’s a lot harder than it looks. Still… great video. You can see examples of the golden ratio all…
Experimental Calipers Offer…
These have now sold out – if you are interested in me making some more… email me here So I made the touchy-tip calipers… which are specifically for cosmetic surgeons a while back… and have been dithering… they’re not 100% what I had in mind – they are capable of measuring far smaller distances… but as the tips get closer together, the resolution goes a bit wonky. If you’re doing really small stuff, it’s probably best to take a photo and blow it up. Anyhoo… they look like this: Because these are for measuring people’s faces, I’ve made the tips into little blobs, twisted 90%. This makes them a little less scary. Pre-twist, they look like this: Another reason why I’m suffering doubt over this one is that instead of being “2-layers thick”, they’re actually 4… … but they’re still rivited together with a 2-layer rivet. I tried using spacers…
Golden Mean Ratio Radio
Resultat Golden Ratio from linda engstrom on Vimeo Also a coffee maker, and why not? Beautiful. Oh… hang on… I’m not sure that it actually works as a radio at all. It just looks like one… no. It isn’t. No. It’s a coffee-maker. Still beautiful. Confused? Moi?
New Leaves and such
Back in Whanganui. The Wellington Makerspace phase came to a not terribly sudden end, and I’m Back In The New York Groove, as it were. Back to the small town from whence I sprang, where life is slower, and easier. So I redesigned my website. It’s always a bit traumatic is the old website-redesign, because even though the last one was a dog’s-breakfast, it’s entirely possible that people LIKED it being a dog’s-breakfast, and the new one is to polished etc, and nobody buys anything ever again. It’s a worry. I’ve decided to branch out into doing other things as well. Things like this: Which is a little lamp. I’m also going to save up and get my own CNC mill so I can make my own boxes. I’ve stopped selling them until I do… shouldn’t be too far off… couple of months maybe. One of these: Will give me…